bought a shoulder-dragon as a gift for KID_NUMBER_4 who stayed at home. Can report that this one stayed put on my shoulder during a very energetic concert of swedes Machinista. 5 stars, very stable dragon. #wgt #wgt2023
Heute zuerst bei der Kirchenruine Wachau gewesen (sehr stimmungsvoll) und danach den ganzen Abend im Westbad (J:Dead, Empathy Test, Solitary Experiments, De/Vision). Am Ende noch einen kleinen Abstecher zum Südplatz auf einen ziemlich guten Burger. #wgt #wgt2023
Absinth Slushy has been acquired #wgt #wgt2023
tja, bis jetzt hab ich mich nur mit dem Freitag am #wgt beschäftigt, aber derzeit sieht der Plan nach “an drei bis vier Orten gleichzeitig sein” aus. Same as it ever was. #wgt2023
I think I might actually be ready to admit to myself that I’m not going to use my parallel port Zip drive for anything, ever again. So I guess I can get rid of it? Maybe? Babysteps.
and that’s me caught up with the year in pictures so far. Phew. #project52
took a break while driving the family from Tyrol to Vorarlberg. Saw this nice rock-face above Götzis. 2023_14 #project52 📷
a narrow passage in Rothenburg ob der Tauber (went on a pre-easter day-trip); 2023_13 #project52 📷
stopped for a break while driving across the Fernpass. Loved the layering the fog provides to the landscape; 2023_12 #project52 📷
week 11 was another one with no pictures meant for the public. So I’ll pick another one from week 9, another view in Axamer Lizum; 2023_11 #project52 📷